Amazon Quiz: Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence

Today In this article we are going to answer the question “Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence.” asked in Amazon Today Quiz. You will see the correct answer of today question below in this article. Also we are going to tell you a little bit information about the question – Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence.

Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence.

Q4: Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence.

Answer 4: (A) Jelly beans

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  3. Which global organisation has been annually releasing World Development Report since 1978?
  4. Name the candy that this American president loved so much, a holder was designed for a jar of them so they wouldn’t fall in air turbulence
  5. Which of these famous players has won 3 consecutive silver medals at the Olympics in this sport?

Amazon 12 May Quiz Details

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Total Questions5

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Conclusion: So, these are the answers if 5 questions asked in Amazon today quiz by which you can also Amazon Quiz 12 May, 2021 Answers Win – 20000 Amazon Pay Balance. If you found all of these answers correct then share it with your family and friends who are also the users of Amazon and Likes to play amazon quiz’s.

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