Facebook social media marketing is in a position to deliver effective results to any type of a business owner. However, you need to keep several facts in your mind when you are engaged with social media marketing. Figuring out the best time to post on Facebook for maximum exposure holds a prominent place out of them.
Why should you think about Facebook Marketing?
The marketers in today’s world are aware about the advantages of Facebook. They know that Facebook is the largest social media network and it is in a position to deliver amazing results when compared to other networks. In addition, they have a clear understanding on, what is the purpose of Facebook as well. If they can figure out the best time to post on Facebook, they will be able to end up with the best possible results.
Identifying the best day to post
Before you figure out the best time to post on Facebook, you should identify the best days that can deliver amazing results to you. According to stats, an average number of 14.3% posts are being published on Facebook per day. However, the number of posts tend to increase during the mid week days, including Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. During these days, about 16% of the total number of posts are being uploaded. On the other hand, we can see the least number of posts being uploaded to Facebook on Saturday and Sunday.

If the number of posts that are being uploaded to Facebook are lesser, the engagement rate is significantly high. Therefore, we can come into a conclusion that it would be a good idea to upload your posts on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This fact can be verified from the Facebook audience insights. In other words, the engagement during the weekend is 30% higher when compared to other 5 days of the week. However, you will be able to receive a higher number of clicks when you post on Wednesday. If you are concerned about the best time to post on Facebook for likes, you need to think about Wednesday.
The best time of the day to upload the Facebook posts
The highest click through rate on Wednesdays take place in between 1 PM and 4 PM. The peak time takes place around 3 PM on Wednesdays. However, the worst time to upload a post on Facebook is during the weekends. If you upload a post on a weekend, after 8 PM, you will have to experience the least CTR.
When you are uploading the posts to Facebook, it would be a good idea to tag them along with images. Images have the ability to enhance the engagement linked with Facebook posts. It has been identified that posts containing images tend to receive about 50% more likes, when compared to posts that don’t have any images, regardless of the time that they are being uploaded. Apart from images, you can also think about uploading videos.
Based on all these trends, we can come to a conclusion that it would be a good idea to focus more on uploading your posts on Wednesdays between 1 PM and 4 PM.
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